Weddings, Christenings & Funerals at St Andrews
The link below takes you to some really useful information about getting married in our church. It’s a good place to start as you think about your wedding:
You’re also welcome to contact Revd Roger, our Rector, to talk through your hopes and dreams
Remember, you don’t have to have been christened to get married in our church.
If you’re thinking about a christening – for yourself, or for a baby or child – please do get in touch with Revd Roger, our Rector, Click to email or give him a call on 01793-740369 to talk things through.
This link takes you to useful information too:
If you would like help in planning a funeral for yourself or for a loved one, or to talk through your experience of grief and loss, please do get in touch.
We are privileged to conduct funeral services in our church, at a graveside or at a crematorium as suits each family best.